Past Events


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❤ 捐血运动 Blood Donation ❤ 刚接种新冠疫苗者,需要等到接种后的第八天才可以捐血。 为了控制人潮,确保捐血运动在安全顺畅下进行,请您在预约的时段来捐血。感激您的配合! Those who are recently vaccinated can donate only after the 8th day after vaccination. To ensure that the event can proceed orderly and follow SOPs, please do come during the allotted time.Thank you for your cooperation! 注册表格 Registration Form 您也可以回复此信息预约时间。 同时间进行资源回收,欢迎您携带回收物品来Recycling campaign will be held in parallel, recyclable items are welcome 日期Date: 13/8/2022(星期六 Saturday)时间Time: 10AM…

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